What Happened With Priscilla Presley

With the recent release of the Elvis Presley biopic, we got to know many aspects of his life and successful career; however, many of us are still wondering what happened with Priscilla Presley. For that reason, here we tell you a little bit of her story.

When did Priscilla and Elvis meet?

Elvis Presley and Priscilla Beaulieu met at a party in 1959. Elvis was 24 years old and had been drafted into the U.S. Army, while Priscilla was only 14 years old and still in school.

In a 1985 interview for People, Priscilla said that when they met, Elvis asked her: "Well, what have we here? What are you, about a junior or senior in high school?" When she told him she was in ninth grade, he chuckled and said, "Why, you're just a baby."

Priscilla's parents were opposed to the relationship, but she was very much in love, so at the age of 16 she decided to move to Memphis to Elvis' parents' house to continue her classes there. It was until 1967 that the couple moved, independent, to Graceland.

That year, the couple married in Las Vegas, after seven years as sweethearts. And soon after, in February 1968, their beloved daughter Lisa Marie was born.

Soon after their relationship began to deteriorate, Elvis' fame grew more and more, so they hardly saw each other and when they did it was only to argue. Later, Priscilla had an affair with her Karate teacher and in revenge, Elvis also cheated on her with Linda Thompson.

Finally they divorced in 1973, after just six years of marriage, but remained close friends until the singer’s untimely death in 1977.

What did Priscilla do after Elvis died?

When Elvis passed away, Priscilla tried to make her way into the acting world but only participated in The Naked Gun and Dallas, that was as far as her career went. In recent years she has dedicated herself to growing Elvis Presley's legacy, creating Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE) to manage merchandising, royalties and generate new revenue.

What did Priscilla Presley say about the Elvis Movie?

When Priscilla was asked about the Elvis movie she said that initially was concerned about Baz Luhrmann being the director, but when she saw the movie praised his work. And about Austin Butler, the actor who played Elvis in the movie, she said that he really managed to portray Elvis' essence, personality and character.

In June she told Good Morning America “This is a movie he really would have loved, showing who he was, what he was striving for, what his dreams were”. Priscilla was a very important person to Elvis, and now you know what happened with Priscilla Presley after Elvis’ death.

Today, Elvis has become a worldwide legend, his songs are still listened to, his career is an example for many artists, his life has inspired several movies and even people are still getting married in Las Vegas with a person dressed as Elvis.

His legacy will live forever and in Las Vegas Night World we will always honor his life and career.

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